Saturday, May 9, 2020

Covid-19 or Incredible social engineering?

Are we about to decouple employment from geographical location on a mass scale?

In New Zealand, where the data is clean, we have discovered that the Covid-19 pandemic is and has been a badly exaggerated scare.

With 1400 known cases (and many times more unknown) and only 20 deaths from the old and weak [dated: 6th May, 2020], we can see that the Covid-19 virus is about as dangerous as the common flu, or less so.

The justification for extreme mass quarantining, with the accompanying economic and social fallout, was never there [here]. We know that the level-4 and level-3 lockdowns were a mistake. Or were they? It all depends on how this pandemic is exploited in terms of social engineering.

The current New Zealand government will not admit that they should have simply safeguarded the weak and let the rest of us go back to work, to keep the economy and our lives running. Admitting to a 100 billion dollar mistake is politically ruinous and too much for the conscience. They will lie to us and most likely lie to themselves as well.

So, after being sucked-in by an international community of politicised and sometimes corrupt experts, and lots of dodgy data and trash models, the New Zealand government will not realistically admit to their mistake. They will not, in turn, push for the development of herd-immunity like Sweden and others have done. We will come down from level-3 lockdowns, to Level-2 and Level-1 controls, and we will periodically cycle between low-level lockdowns as the virus inevitably flares up, over and again, as a consequence of our failing to develop herd-immunity.

New Zealand will dig itself deeper into its hole, in a sickly state of economic stagnation that, in principle, never should have been allowed to happen.

Assuming I am correct, we can now ask an interesting question: How will New Zealand--and probably the rest of the Western world--develop economically in response to two years of cyclic low-level lockdowns, as fighting Covid-19 becomes a 'new normal'?

Well, if you own a business in New Zealand, then as soon as you see the developing trend of periodic lockdowns, you will have every reason to invest in making your enterprise intrinsically Level-2 resistant. That means having as many of your staff as possible work from home, and engineering your business to work efficiently in that form. So, when the lockdown happens you can say: "Yeah, whatever. It hardly affects me anyway". In fact you will have no choice. Your business won't compete if it doesn't become Level-2 tolerant.

The result, again, will be the rapid investment in new tools and processes to accommodate working from home. Those tools will come in the form of video intercoms for public interfacing, simple mobile (and remote controlled) robotics [here], and even driverless technology to support these systems, such as Nuro delivery [here].

Companies will not structure themselves for two different modes of operation (lockdown and non-lockdown). Once 80% of their staff are working from home, those staff will always be working from home. It would be inefficient to make it otherwise.

All of this will mean that maybe 50% of the workforce, or more, will be based within the electronic cloud in just a few years time. And this will trigger another possibly titanic change.

As soon as the major portion of the national workforce can work from anywhere in the world, online, they will start to ask themselves if they really want to live in their expensive city, with the bad weather and congestion, and when they can just as easily live in a much more beautiful place and in a highly affordable country.

I therefore predict a massive demographic shift to the sunbelt, and largely towards poorer countries. In poor countries in particular, private villages will be created and sold to immigrants so as to provide a home away from home. It will naturally be in the poorer countries interest to accommodate this, from the economic gains. My video below relates to this.

-Note also, if you can't go on holiday without tolerating a two week mandatory quarantine, going to and from a different country, then you cannot practically escape for a holiday in the sun. This too will amplify the demand for the Western populace to move to the sunbelt, to reside.

The final result will be the progressive erosion of nationalism. People will be even less attached and identified to their home country than they are today. This will in turn lay a stronger foundation of support for global government, of any given form.

Global government is an ultimate necessity going forward [here], because we must have strong international cooperation to the end of achieving sustained population control [of interest], negative eugenics [here], global environmental defense, and resistance to terrorism and horrific wars which our developing technologies are making a progressively deepening threat, that can only otherwise get worse.

Is this the real idea behind the crazy Covid-19 scare? I don't know. None of us knows what ultimately goes on inside the opaque world of 'deep state' politics. But what I have described could be the real effect of the Covid-19 drama, and maybe that effect would be a good thing long term.

Andrew Atkin

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