Sunday, June 16, 2024

Where the Freedom movement must Rise up

Please let me give you some facts, as I appreciate them at least.

With technology allowing anything to be downloaded, rapid prototyped, and printed, the threat of mass scale terrorism can only get worse. There's no place for rogue states in this world anymore, or even rogue subdivisions within states. The developing terror threat is too high. Too few people can now do too much damage.

So will this require mass surveillance, via our transactions and cellphones, etc, so to allow AI to detect developing threats? If not, then please Mr freedom movement, explain the better way. To be credible, we need to put our alternative solutions on the table.

Also we have the issue of over-population. There are many variables affecting fertility, but when things fundamentally change so can population growth. For example, we're fast moving into a world with driverless technology and mobile robotics, allowing 90% of work to be done online - leading to massive operational streamlining and huge increases in purchasing power, potentially making big families highly affordable to anyone... 

What's the freedom movement's answer to population stability, when it becomes an obvious necessity? Direct China-style population caps, or semi-poisonous foods and injections that suppress fertility? What's the better solution?

Further, if every man becomes so much richer, will they demand a mansion over a humble home? Will consumerism go crazy? Does consumption need to be capped?

And what if greater posterity in our democracies leads to more reckless fertility, where we see the rampant growth of abused children that inept parents never wanted? Should we stand back and let gang culture grow even more, because there's nothing holding it back?

Sorry for sounding dark, but I don't believe the highest levels of control want power for its own sake. That's only a popular assumption. They want control because they think they need it, to deal with major long-range problems that are breathing down our necks. 

If we, the freedom movement, want to be credible then I believe we must demonstrate a willingness to talk about these things, and propose better solutions. Until then, the powers that be are, in part at least, right to relate to us like cattle. Simply, if we don't take control of rational long-range planning, the elites must then do it for us - that is, they must work around us because they can't work with us. 

It can only be a speculation, but with everything I've seen I believe they're doing that right now - with the goal of creating a 'one-world China'. Or at least a China so dominant it can essentially dictate to the rest of us.

I'm hoping for better than that, but it's up to us to elevate our thinking to these levels of public concern. Or, again, we will be ignored.

-Andrew Atkin, June 2024