Sunday, February 17, 2019

Straight Thinking on Gay Reality

Andrew Atkin:

Let's first be clear. No one chooses to be gay. If people want to have same-sex relationships then that is who they are, and what we feel sexually is not a choice. How we act is a choice - but not how we feel. Hence I have no contempt for homosexuals and in no way do I believe that their behaviour should be suppressed, so long as it is safe and mutual at least.

However, our culture does seem to be in the business of creating a modern fairytale when it comes to gays. We've gone from accepting it for what it is, to promoting it as what it isn't. We seem to have an agenda to promote homosexuality as some kind of new normal, as though it's as inherently normal to be gay over straight as it is to be born with either blond or black hair. And that is absurd.

Homosexuality is still something that happens when things don't happen the way they're supposed to happen. It's still one of natures mistakes. If it were not then the sexual apparatus of gay men would not be explicitly designed to fertilise a female egg. The honest truth is that homosexuality is broken sexuality.

Of course I expect some people to resent me for stating the biological obvious, but I would argue that I am the one who has a true acceptance of homosexuality, because I'm the one who wishes to accept homosexuality for what it is - not what it isn't. 

The next question, is what are the implications of promoting homosexuality as a new normal? 

Well on an instinctive level I do not like seeing young children receiving this strange message that suggests it's normal to be gay, though it would probably be harmless enough in the long run. However, where I do have a problem with it is that it's leading to the idea that it's okay for gays to adopt children. To me, this is risky. Depriving children of a mother-father context unnecessarily, to satisfy a homosexual union, is I believe to take a risk with a child that is not fair. This is where we need to remind ourselves that homosexuality is not biologically normal, as it involves an innocent third party.

And finally, the problem of seeing homosexuality as inherently normal is we might fail to try and understand what causes it. In turn the sexual disorder may not be prevented when it otherwise could have been.

Note: My ambition going forward is to get involved with politics directly. I will eventually be asked for my opinion on gays, so I thought it would be a good idea to present it here, early. 

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